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The Longest Ever.
The Fields of Glory.
Who's safe?
Forever and back again. S41/S42

The Bio-AI Figure Series

   This series of paintings explores the possibilities of the interplay between human creativity and intelligence, and the algorithmic chaos, as non-human decision making plays an ever-bigger role in our lives making our lives ever more unpredictable and uncontrollable by a human mind.


   A randomizing algorithm was utilized to help me create sequences of carefully preselected figures in the compositions of five or six each with the aim to arrive at a different narrative every time a new grouping would come out. The ensued sequences were painted on long strips of wallpaper exactly as they were presented back to me by this early incarnation of artificial intelligence both with the idea of using manufactured means in making this series and as a testament to an interplay between the artificial and biologically originated.

Acrylic on wallpaper, 950x55 cm (370"x 21")

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