Wühlischstr. 42
10245 Berlin
27.04-18.05 2024
Opening 27.04 6-9 pm
"Inspired by the dreams, lives, and ever-changing loves and tragedies of Berlin, the dreamlike and near-death experiences surround us on a daily basis and are often impossible to tell apart. Getting lost in the space between beauty and darkness is part of the process and a rite of passage.
Painted with industrial acrylic paints on strips of grey wallpaper, utilizing the ubiquitous presence of neon-orange and –green safety vests and orange trash cans this series is an exploration of the interplay between danger and safety, openness and withdrawal, our desire to be seen and be part of the conversation, and the fear of the unknown beyond our familiar surroundings.
Top row left to right:
1.“More of the winter grey and infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
2. “Boots and ribbons.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
3. “Franfurter Allee Karl-Marx-Allee.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
4. “Flight flight up down across back infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper . 76 x 53 cm
5. “More of the winter grey and infinity”. Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
6. “Ostbahnhof and grey infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
7. “More of the winter grey and infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
8. “Finanzamt good news, bad news.”
Acrylc paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
9. “Back on Storkowerstr V2.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
10. “Three stripes two people lets go.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
11. “Three stripes three people lets go.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper. 76 x 53 cm
Bottom row left to right:
1. “Untitled up down left right infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
2. “Things you see, things you don’t see, things you don’t want to see, things you can’t unsee.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
3. “Untitled unsafe.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
4. “Untitled let it rain.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
5. “Untitled up down left right infinity 2.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
6. “Untitled down down and up.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
7. “See and be seen.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
8. “Untitled down down and up 2.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm
9. “So untitled infinity.”
Acrylic paint on wallpaper mounted on board.
25.5 x 18 cm